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information and documents about our school admissions.

We warmly welcome applications to our nursery and our school from all members of our community. Applications to Nursery may be made at any time after a child’s second birthday and application forms are available from the school office. 

The Admissions Policy has been formally adopted by the governing body who is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for determining the school’s admissions policy.

The admissions authority has set its Published Admission Number (PAN) at 45 pupils to be admitted to reception, in the school year beginning in the September following a child’s 4th birthday.

Policies and documents in relation to admissions can all be found on our policies page linked below.

How and when to apply

Applications must be made online on the school admissions page on the Local Authority Family Portal. All applications must be returned by the closing date set by Sunderland City Council.

In-year applications

Applications are welcome for all year groups during the school year. If you would like to transfer your child from another school, you must complete a School Transfer Application Form, available from the Sunderland City Council site.

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Updated | 15th February, 2023 |

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