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Friends of OLQP

The Friends of Our Lady Queen of Peace are a group of parents/carers and school staff who get together regularly to organise fundraising events for the children in school. Our aim is to create extra opportunities for the children to have fun throughout the school year whilst raising money for larger items for all the children to be able to enjoy.

Throughout the past year we have raised money through events such as raffles, discos, used clothing collections, Christmas fayre, breakfast with Santa, bunny bingo, find the golden egg and our very popular summer fayre! Some of the money raised has funded a host of new books, year 6 leavers gifts and useful equipment for the classrooms.

Everyone can get involved, whether it’s dedicating some time to help plan, share ideas, or even simply just by participating in our events, donating a tombola prize or buying a ticket. As the saying goes, ‘every little helps’

Our diary of events for this academic year can be viewed on our home page in the letters section. If you would like more information on ways you can get involved, please email us on

We have had fun during our time with the group, met new people and had plenty of laughs. Seeing the children enjoying something we have organised and being able to give something back to the school have been the best rewards’.

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Updated | 6th September, 2024 |

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